The traditional way of mowing a lawn is to wait a week and cut the grass, and even then this can be disrupted by the weather!
The problem with this method is the grass has half of its growth taken off and can be damaged.
If collecting the grass this can be slow work with lots of trips to empty the grass bag in the compost pile, if you are lucky enough to have one, or trying to stuff what you can in your green waste bin!
When mulching with a traditional ride on or walk behind mower, weekly cutting often is not enough. The volume of grass to mulch is too great and the lawn is often left looking messy, and with grass left clumped on top again damaging the grass.
So why is the Automower different?
The Automower cuts little and often every day, never cutting more than a few millimetres of grass.
This allows the small clippings to fall to the root base to decay providing vital nutrients to the lawn such as nitrogen.
The grass is greener and healthier by only having a small amount trimmed off and the weeds are not given a chance to grow and dominate.
The end result is a greener healthier lawn with no surface grass, or any grass clippings to remove.
The other big factor, you don’t even have to lift a finger!